Multiparameter pH/ISE/EC/DO/Turbidity Waterproof Meter with optional GPS
- Auto-sensor Recognition
- Automatic Barometric Pressure Compensation
- GLP Data
- Graphing Capability: Trend graphing with sample date and time may be viewed on the display or transferred to PC.
- PC Connectivity
- Rugged thermoformed carrying case
- Power Supply/Dimension/ Weight: 1.5V /221x115x55 mm (750g)
- PC Connectivity: USB (with HI 929829 software)
- Range: pH/mV: 0.00~14.00 pH/± 600.0 mV ORP mV:± 2000.0 mV; EC: 0~200mS/cm(absolute EC up to 400 mS/cm); TDS: 0 to 400000 ppm (mg/L) ;Resistivity: 0 to 999999 Ω•cm; 0 to 1000.0 kΩ•cm; 0 to 1.0000 MΩ•cm; Salinity: 0.00~70.00PSU; Seawater σ: 0.0 to 50.0 σt, σ₀, σ₁₅; Turbidity:0.0 to 99.9 FNU; 100 to 1000 FNU DO: 0.0 to 500.0%; 0.00 to 50.00 ppm (mg/L)Atmospheric Pressure:450 to 850 mm Hg; 17.72 to 33.46 in Hg; 600.0 to 1133.2 mbar; 8.702 to 16.436 psi; 0.5921 to 1.1184 atm; 60.00 to 113.32 kPa
- Resolution: pH/mV: 0.01 pH/0.1 mV; ORP: 0.1 mV; EC:Manual: 1 µS/cm; 0.001 mS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm; 1 mS/cm, Automatic: 1 µS/cm from 0 to 9999 µS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/cm, Automatic (mS/cm): 0.001 mS/cm from 0.000 to 9.999 mS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/cm) TDSManual: 1 ppm (mg/L); 0.001 ppt (g/L); 0.01 ppt (g/L); 0.1 ppt (g/L); 1 ppt (g/L), Automatic: 1 ppm (mg/L) from 0 to 9999 ppm (mg/L); 0.01 ppt (g/L) from 10.00 to 99.99 ppt (g/L); 0.1 ppt (g/L) from 100.0 to 400.0 ppt (g/L), Automatic ppt (g/L): 0.001 ppt (g/L) from 0.000 to 9.999 ppt (g/L); 0.01 ppt (g/L) from 10.00 to 99.99 ppt (g/L); 0.1 ppt (g/L) from 100.0 to 400.0 ppt (g/L); Resistivity: dependent on resistivity reading; Salinity :0.01 PSU; Seawater σ :0.1 σt, σ₀, σ₁₅Turbidity:0.1 FNU from 0.0 to 99.9 FNU 1 FNU from 100 to 1000 FNU;DO0.1%; 0.01 ppm (mg/L); Atmospheric Pressure:0.1 mm Hg; 0.01 in Hg; 0.1 mbar; 0.001 psi; 0.0001 atm; 0.01 kPa